English Sentence


Daily Life Sentences 

English Word & Synonyms - Click Here 

Important English Sentences for daily use -1

  1. As you please - जैसी आपकी मर्जी।
  2. Oh, I am sorry. I have got a bit late - माफ़  कीजिएगा , मुझे थोड़ी देर हो गई।
  3. I beg your pardon - माफ़  कीजिएगा । 
  4. Would you please speak slowly ? - क्या आप थोड़ा धीरे बोलेंगे ?
  5. It's all yours - इसे अपनी ही चीज़ समझें।
  6. That's so kind of you - आपकी बड़ी कृपा है।
  7. Sorry for the inconvenience - आपको कष्ट हुआ इसके लिए क्षमा करें।
  8. Glad/Nice to meet you - आपसे मिल कर बड़ी ख़ुशी हुई।
  9. I will try my level best - मैं पूरा प्रयास करूँगा।
  10. Please help yourself - कृपया अपने आप लीजिए।
  11. Well done, dear - शाबाश प्यारे।
  12. Of Course ! - बेशक़ !
  13. By God's Grace ! - प्रभु कृपा से !
  14. Wonderful ! - अदभुत ! आपने तो कमाल कर दिया!
  15. How disgraceful ! - कितने अपमान की है !
  16. Good heavens ! - हे प्रभु !
  17. How dare you ? - तुम्हारी हिम्मत कैसे हुई ?
  18. Hurry up ! - जल्दी करो।
  19. Rest assured - भरोसा रखो। // Trusts Me
  20. Long time no see - बहुत दिनों से आपको नहीं देखा।
  21. Doesn't matter - कोई बात नहीं।
  22. Touch wood ! - कहीं नजर ना लगे।
  23. Watch out ! - देख के।  संभल के।
  24. Come what may ! - अब चाहे जो  हो !
  25. What a bother ! -  क्या मुसीबत है !
  26. What nonsense ! क्या बकवास है!
  27. Is it ? - क्या सच ?
  28. How disgusting ! - छि:
  29. Not the least ! - थोड़ा भी नहीं !
  30. Yes, by all means - हाँ हाँ जरूर !
  31. Go up - ऊपर जाओ ।
  32. Go down - नीचे जाओ ।
  33. Get Off - उतर जाओ।
  34. Do come - जरूर आना
  35. Let it be - चलो जाने दो।
Important Daily Uses Sentences - 2 


·         What’s up?

·         What’s new?

·         What have you been up to lately?

·         How’s it going?

·         How are things?

·         How’s life?


 say how you are:

·         I’m fine, thanks. How about you?

·         Pretty good.

·         Same as always

·         Not so great.

·         Could be better

·         cant complain


             say thank you:

·         I really appreciate it.

·         I’m really grateful

·         That’s so kind of you.


respond to thank you:

·         No problem.

·         No worries

·         Don’t mention it.

·         My pleasure.

·         Anytime.


end a conversation politely:

·         It was nice chatting with you.

·         Anyway, I should get going.


 say I don’t know:

·         I have no idea/clue.

·         I can’t help you there.

·         (informal) Beats me.

·         I’m not really sure.

·         I’ve been wondering that, too.



·         Exactly.

·         Absolutely.

·         That’s so true.

·         That’s for sure.

·         I agree 100%

·         I suppose so.  



·         I’m not so sure about that.

·         That’s not how I see it.

·         Not necessarily


great news:

·         That’s great!

·         How wonderful!

·         Awesome!


 bad news:

·         Oh no…

·         That’s terrible.

·         Poor you. (Use this to respond to bad situations that are not too serious)

·         I’m so sorry to hear that.


or food:

·         I’m starving! (= I’m very hungry)

·         Let’s grab a bite to eat.

·         How about eating out tonight? (eat out = eat at a restaurant)

·         I’ll have… (use this phrase for ordering in a restaurant)


for price:

·         It cost a fortune.

·         It cost an arm and a leg.

·         That’s a rip-off. (= overpriced; far more expensive than it should be)

·         That’s a bit pricey.

·         That’s quite reasonable. (= it’s a good price)

·         That’s a good deal. (= a good value for the amount of money)

·         It was a real bargain.

·         It was dirt cheap. (= extremely inexpensive)


being tired:

·         I’m exhausted.

·         I’m dead tired.

·         I’m beat

·         I can hardly keep my eyes open

·         I’m gonna hit the sack. (hit the sack = go to bed)



Important Daily Uses Sentence - 3

दरवाजा खोलो।
Open the door.

ऐल्मिरा को थोड़ा खुला रखो।
Keep the almirah slightly open. /
Keep the almirah partly open.

कपड़ों को ऐल्मिरा में रख दो।
Put the clothes into the almirah. /
Keep the clothes into the almirah.

कपड़े ठीक से रखो; इधर उधर मत बिखेरो।
Keep the clothes properly; don’t mess up.

कपड़ों को हैंगर पर लटकाओ।
Hang the clothes on hangers. /
Put the clothes on hangers.

कपड़ों को ऐल्मिरा से बाहर निकालो।
Take the clothes out of the almirah.

दरवाजा बंद कर दो।
Close the door.
Shut the door.

खाते वक्त अपना मुंह बन्द करो।
Close the mouth while eating.// Shut the mouth while eating.

यहाँ पर एक कील लगा दो।
Hammer a nail here.  //  Insert a nail here.

मैं इस कील पर अपनी फोटो लटकाऊँगा।
I will hang my photograph on this nail.

मेरा चार्जर नहीं मिल रहा है।
I can’t find my charger.

आज नीली शर्ट पहनो।
Put on the blue shirt today.

जूते पहन लो।
Put on the shoes.

अभी का अभी इस टी-शर्ट को उतार दो।
Take off this t-shirt right away.

सन्तरा छील दो। / सन्तरे का छिलका उतार दो।
Remove the peel of the orange.
Peel off the orange.

उसे मैसेज कर दो।
Message him.
Text him.

तुम मुझे मैसेज क्यों कर रहे हो?
Why are you messaging me?  //  Why are you texting me?

टीवी ऑन कर दो।
Switch on the TV. / Turn on the TV.

टीवी ऑफ कर दो।
Switch off the TV. / Turn off the TV.

आवाज बढ़ा दो।
Increase the volume. / Turn the volume up

vaह पूरे दिन टीवी में घुसा रहता है।
He is engaged on TV throughout the day.

अपनी आँखें खराब मत करो।
Do not damage/ruin/spoil your eyes.

इसे ठीक करवा दो।
Get it repaired.
मैं इसे ठीक करवाऊँगा।
I’ll get it repaired.

मेरा रूम खच पच हो रखा है। मुझे इसे ठीक ठाक करने दो।
My room is messed up. Let me arrange it.

आज बहुत ज्यादा गर्मी है।
It’s terribly hot today. //   It’s blistering heat today.

आज कड़कड़ाती ठंड है।
It’s a bitter cold today.  // It’s a shivering cold today 

दीवार पर सहारा मत लो।
Do not lean against the wall.

जैसी आपकी मर्जी।
As you wish.  / As you please.

आज उमस बहुत ज्यादा है।
It’s very humid today.

ये दवा खाली पेट लेना।
Take this medicine on an empty stomach.

मौसम अचानक ख़राब हो गया है।
The weather has suddenly turned bad.

सड़कें बारिश के पानी से भरी हुई हैं।
Roads are filled with rainy water.

क्या बकवास है!
What nonsense!

देख के।  संभल के।
Watch out!

इसे अपनी ही चीज़ समझें।
It’s all yours.

हम आपके जल्द ठीक होने की कामना करते हैं।
We wish you a speedy recovery.

मेरे लिए एक रिश्ता आया है।
There is a marriage proposal for me.

शादी कब करोगे?
When will you get married?

कैसा रिश्ता देख रहे हो?
What kind of family are you looking for?

मेरे पास एक गुड न्यूज है।
 I have good news for you.

important Sentence - 4

  1. Good morning!
  2. Good day to you, Sir!
  3. He is still not well.
  4. well done! Keep it up!
  5. I will call you later.
  6. I will catch you soon.
  7. Please give me your hand.
  8. Get out of my sight.
  9. I did not understand.
  10. What do you mean?
  11. What are you talking about?
  12. Could you stay away from my stuff?
  13. I am sorry.
  14. I am feeling tired today
  15. It’s none of your business.
  16. I don’t know. 
  17. We both like each other.
  18. Come quickly.
  19. Talk to you later.
  20. Thank You very much.
  21. What is your problem?
  22. Can I ask you something?
  23. It was nice meeting you.
  24. How are you?
  25. What is going on?
  26. What are your likes and dislikes?
  27. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  28. What can I do for you?
  29. Will you please help me with this?
  30. This is not a joke.
  31. Stop kidding.
  32. What is happening here?
  33. Everything is fine.
  34. Did you get my point?
  35. What do you want from me?
  36. How old are you?
  37. Where is your office?
  38. Get ready to go to school.
  39. I will try my level best.
  40. Are you joining us?
  41. I am very pleased to meet you.
  42. You are my responsibility.
  43. This is not fair.
  44. What are you doing today?
  45. Please say something.
  46. I will come again.
  47. What would you like to have?
  48. Thank you for inviting us.
  49. It’s my pleasure.
  50. Thank you for the advice.
  51. Many happy returns of the day.
  52. Happy birthday!
  53. I wish you a happy married life.
  54. Please be seated.
  55. I’m on my way.
  56. When will you reach?
  57. Nice to meet you.
  58. Is everything alright?
  59. Hope to see you next time.
  60. Do you speak English?
  61. You are getting late for school.
  62. I missed my school bus.
  63. Who is your class teacher?
  64. Please clean the board.
  65. Read the sentences carefully.
  66. What is your favorite subject?
  67. Who is your favorite teacher?
  68. I have completed my homework.
  69. Improve your handwriting.
  70. Why are you late?
  71. What is your contact number?
  72. Could you show me your answer sheet?
  73. I appreciate it.
  74. Do you agree with me?
  75. Do you know what I mean?
  76. It was nice to talk with you.
  77. I made it.
  78. I feel sad for your loss.
  79. Let’s celebrate!
  80. What do you like the most?
  81. Do not disturb!
  82. Try to open this door.
  83. I read books.
  84. I do not want to know anything.
  85. Drive carefully.
  86. I love to play video games.
  87. Go slow from the crowd.
  88. This is your updated version.
  89. The sun rises from the east.
  90. We cook everyday
  91. Daily exercise makes you fit and healthy.
  92. Have a nice day.
  93. Excuse me!
  94. Stop crying.
  95. Are you fooling me?
  96. Could you give me some money?
  97. Girls do not want to stay in the gum.
  98. She wakes early in the morning.
  99. He sleeps in the afternoon.
  100. How can I help you?
English Sentences - 5
  1. Good Morning!
  2. Hello Uncle!
  3. May God bless you!
  4. How are you?
  5. Excuse me.
  6. I am sorry!
  7. It’s my pleasure.
  8. That is alright.
  9. What is going on?
  10. Everything is fine.
  11. I am on the way.
  12. Do you speak English?
  13. What are you doing?
  14. Anything else.
  15. Stop Kidding!
  16. Please keep quiet!
  17. Pleased to meet you!
  18. Bye, See you again!
  19. As you please.
  20. How dare you say that!
  21. Can you please repeat that?
  22. Hurrah! I have won!
  23. What an idea!
  24. Thanks for this honor.
  25. No, not at all.
  26. That is too much.
  27. Doesn’t matter.
  28. Walk slowly.
  29. Mind your own business.
  30. Think before you speak.
English Sentences - 6
  1. I love you, mummy.
  2. Could you bring me a glass of water.
  3. Leave me alone.
  4. I will get up early in the morning.
  5. She is not my cousin sister.
  6. Where is a father?
  7. They are my friends.
  8. I am going to the playground.
  9. It is very hot today. Isn’t it?
  10. I want more money.
  11. I am sick.
  12. I remember everything.
  13. Have a heart.
  14. Don’t cut jokes.
  15. Did you miss your bus?
  16. I missed my school bus.
  17. I just made it
  18. I love to play video games.
  19. I apologize.
  20. Thank you mummy, bye.
English Speaking - 7

  1. God bless you.
  2. I do not understand.
  3. Whatever he says is not true.
  4. Don’t be so childish.
  5. Read the sentences carefully.
  6. That’s so kind of you.
  7. It’s none of your business.
  8. I beg your pardon.
  9. I’m at the office.
  10. His words have weight.
  11. Would you please speak slowly?
  12. What are you doing?
  13. Rod is the logic of fools.
  14. A crease is formed on the cloth.
  15. I shall reach by 5.30 train.
  16. What are you doing today?
  17. It’s very thoughtful of you.
  18. The temperature will come down tomorrow.
  19. Have a good trip.
  20. Do you understand me?
  21. What nonsense!
  22. You are my responsibility.
  23. How can I go to the town center?
  24. He has a nasal accent.
  25. Can I ask you something?
  26. I am busy at the moment.
  27. The soil of that place is fertile.
  28. Who is your favorite teacher?
  29. How old are you?
  30. Hurry up! otherwise, you will miss the train.
English Sentence - 8
  1. How was your weekend?
  2. What do you want?
  3. Please write down this address.
  4. No, I don’t want.
  5. It is a strange thing.
  6. Could you show me your answer sheet?
  7. I’m sorry to interrupt you.
  8. Will you go there or shall I?
  9. How can I go to the city?
  10. Do me a favor?
  11. I like fairly hot tea.
  12. Is everything alright?
  13. Can you turn the volume up?
  14. What do you think?
  15. What did you succeed in?
  16. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  17. Your name is on the list.
  18. Not the least!
  19. What is going on?
  20. The advantages of this are many.
  21. A lovely day, isn’t it?
  22. That’s so kind of you.
  23. Where is your office?
  24. You’re driving too fast.
  25. Have a good weekend.
  26. I don’t like tall talks.
  27. I have completed my homework.
  28. I’m on a diet
  29. He tells a lie.
  30. Who is your class teacher?
English Sentences - 9

  1. May I go out please?
  2. After lunch, we will go to the library.
  3. Could you give me a pen.
  4. May I come in sir!
  5. Good evening teacher.
  6. Can I go to the toilet?
  7. Mam, I haven’t done my homework.
  8. Sorry, for being late.
  9. Who is your class teacher?
  10. You will not be able to deal with him.
  11. Did you get my point?
  12. I have a lot to talk about.
  13. Please clean the board.
  14. Please come as soon as possible.
  15. How are you today?
  16. Is the last lesson in English?
  17. I am sorry, I didn’t hear.
  18. Do you have a stapler?
  19. I don’t understand.
  20. May, I have a pencil please.
  21. Please clean the board.
  22. Are you lying.
  23. Why are you late?
  24. Don’t abuse him.
English Sentences - 10
  1. Talk to you later.
  2. I will try my level best.
  3. I cannot agree with your opinions.
  4. Well done! Keep it up!
  5. Anything else?
  6. Stop making such a noise!
  7. Walk carefully.
  8. Go slow from the crowd.
  9. How do you feel?
  10. I am very strict on this matter.
  11. I am busy at the moment.
  12. It has to be done.
  13. What is your favorite subject?
  14. All my calculations went wrong.
  15. He scored a goal in the match.
  16. Drive carefully.
  17. Forgive me!
  18. God bless you!
  19. Do not disturb!
  20. Come what may!
  21. Get up early.
  22. Go and play.
  23. Listen to me.
  24. Do you have any homework?
  25. Have your breakfast.
  26. What’s going on.
  27. Comb your hair.
  28. You may fall down.
  29. Enjoy yourself.
  30. See you next time.
  31. I am Hungary.
  32. Wash your face.
  33. Respect your elders.
  34. Take a bite.
  35. Listen to me.
  36. don,t be afraid.
  37. Turn off the light.
  38. Go ahead.
  39. Turn on the light.
  40. Prepare the bed.