Python Programs class 12 cbse

Index Of Programs:

class 12th Syllabus Links 
Practice Paper sets Link
Project file Sample Link 1     Link 2

Practical File Sample 

Format Specifier Link1

Try/except: Link 1  Link 2

File Handling Practice Link 1 Link 2 Link 3

my sql with Python Link 1  LINK 2 LINK 3

JOINS - Links 

1. Prime No     2. Palindrone     3.Fibonacci Series.

 4. Factorial   5. Stack  -1    7. Prefix-Infix- postfix

1. Check No is primeNumber  or Not

 HInt: Prime number Always divisible by 1 and by own . so we count ==2

2. Check the Value is Palindrome.


3. Check the Value is Fibonacci Series.

4.Factorial of a number

5. stack

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