NEP 2020


NEP 2020 National education Policy

1- 1968

2. 1986 - ( Kothari Commission - 10 + 2)

3.Revised - 1992 - POA (Program of Action) - Learning without burden ( remove bag study in library)

4. Kasturi Ranjan Samiti (ISRO)-  Report( 31 May 2019) &  29-july 2020 Approved

MHRD( Ministry of Human Resource development)-नाम बदलकर  - change to - Educational Ministry

      Plan        Age group                        Detail

         5 -            3-8 (Class-Nur to 2)        ( Nursery to 2nd - Foundation - No examination) 

        3  -            8 - 11(Class -3 to 5)          (Preparatory stage- Activity with Mother Language, 

                                                                   Exam start)

        3    -         11-14(Class -6 to 8)           (Middle Age- Vocational edu, class 6th, Holistic Assessment

                                                                     PARAKH ,Computer, Vocational -carpenter, yoga) and 

                                                                    Additional Language

        4    -    14-18 (Class 9 to 12)             (Secondary - Multiple subjects, Semester system, 

                                                                  Critical think)( Foreign Language - Study)

* P(Performance) A( Assessment) R( Review) A (analysis) K (Knowledge) H(Holistic)

*1 to 5 Class Provide teaching  - (Matra Bhasa- Mother toung )

* NEP  - Formative ---> Summative 

* ABC - Academic Bank Credit ( जो पडाई जहॉं छोडोगे वही से शुरूूहोगी )

* GDP - 6%  Investment for education